Here you will find some examples of my work. If you should have any questions, please let me know.
For the examples that are my own: please understand that since these are from books that do not have indexes, I was able to make up my own indexing specifications. This means that I had no space restraints, and was thus able to be as exhaustive and specific as I felt was necessary for the text.

Buon Appetito: A Tribute to the Past and Present
by All Officers' Spouses' Club, Sigonella, Sicily
This is an index I’ve done for a cookbook titled Buon Appetito: A tribute to the past and present put together by All Officers’ Spouses’ Club, Sigonella, Sicily. Though this particular book has an index, it is only an alphabetical index by the table of contents categories. Thus, I have created a proper cookbook index for this book as an example of my indexing capabilities. Because there were so many recipes (over 250), not every recipe gets a main heading. For example, all of the chicken dishes are under Chicken, but most do not appear as their own main headings.
I have structured this index with two subheading levels. The actual format for the index varies slightly from what is presented here because I did my own formatting for the actual book, and here I have changed that formatting (including all of the ‘continued’ markers) to enhance readability. Since I own a copy of this book, I did print out the index for actual use and sent one to my sister who is one of the many authors. It is presented in three columns (due to size) in the indented style most common to cookbooks.
This book is about Capitalism in the early 20th century, the Soviet history and system of Communism, Berkman’s explanation of Anarchism, and ultimately his ideas of how to successfully become an Anarchist state. This is another project I have done on my own as an example. It was an interesting challenge as it was written back in 1929. I did a combined subject and name index for this one, and again, I did not put length restrictions on myself. The index is presented in a 2 column indented style and is sorted word-by-word as suggested in the Chicago Manual of Style 18th edition. Please note that the font/font size might be different in an actual published book.

Jesus the Magician
by Morton Smith
This book is a detailed study of how Jesus may have been a magician as opposed to the Son of God. It includes evidence from both the gospels and outside the gospels. It is another book that did not have an index, and therefore is an example of my work. I have created this index in the run-on format, word by word alphabetizing, with elided page locators. It is a subject and name index, and I have presented it in two columns (please note that all formatting decisions were my own for example purposes only, and can be changed to fit your needs).
Moneyless Society
by Matthew Holten
This is a book about economics, politics, and the future of sustainability. I created an index for this book because it did not have an index, and thus it serves as an example of my work, but with my own indexing specifications. It is a subject and name index presented in the indented format in one column (please note that all formatting decisions were my own for example purposes only, and can be changed to fit your needs).

Coming Soon
Project Coming Soon